We all think we know what a travel journal is. Since the time of the legendary Moleskine used by Chatwin, a true traveler has written his own personal diary, telling not only the places he visits but a lot about himself, his sensations and emotions.
And what does a real travel photographer do? The same thing, but using more of a camera to add to or only use images, telling with his photographs stories of travel and of travelers.
Starring has decided that it is time to collect such stories, starting a dedicated series of travel notebooks. This is why TRAVEL DIARIES was born, an editorial series, designed in a specific format to allow easy transport but also a wide view of the images. This series was created with the collaboration of Viaggio Fotografico and the curatorship of Simona Ottolenghi and Sonia Pampuri, and is dedicated to Travelers photographers, that are the core of TTA😊
The series will collect personal Zines, focused on a single trip or even a single story. The book size 16.9 x 24 cm, paperback, foliation between 50 and 60 pages maximum, well printed. The graphic design and layout will be by our graphic designer, Giuliano (who works with us on CITIES magazine). Simona Ottolenghi and Sonia Pampuri will take care of the zine’s texts.
Three diaries dedicated to Africa open the series: Mauritania by Roberto Malagoli, Morocco by Luigi Rota
and Namibia by Claudio Varaldi.
you can already browse the first 3 titles
But other diaries are in preparation and will be released soon😊
Interested? Contact Angelo Cucchetto for questions by email ( angelo@star-ring.it ) or phone (+39 335 5326154). If you feel that you have understood everything and are interested, send us your story for selection via WeTransfer to info@traveltalesaward.com