
Maurizio Gjivovich – Istanbul old town

Maurizio Gjivovich – Istanbul old town

This work carried out mainly during the last municipal elections in Istanbul in 2019 follows a simple search, what the street could give me. They are images that portray everyday life, follow the light of the ideas of the great master Ara Güle, see and interpret Istanbul still with that spirit.

The work began in the first trip of 2015, and since then I have wanted to visit all the neighborhoods of that great metropolis.

The demonstrations.

Moments of common life mixed with the numerous connections of distinctly different ethnic groups.

maurizio gjivovich

Classe 1975 professionista dal 2000, i suoi servizi che esplorano contesti politici e sociali puibblicando su magazine nazionali tra cui La Repubblica, L’Espresso, Internazionale

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