Here are the 50 stories selected by TTA 2023, TRAVEL TALES AWARD. The winning Stories and the various prizes will be chosen from the 50 works.

here are the direct links to each story, by alphabetical order surname Authors. below you can browse some galleries, sorted randomly.

Ecco le 50 storie selezionate TTA 2022, TRAVEL TALES AWARD.   Tra i 50 lavori saranno scelte le Storie vincenti i vari premi.

Ecco i link diretti ad ogni storia, per ordine alfabetico cognome Autori. Sotto potete sfogliare alcune gallery, richiamate casualmente.

The 50 finalists stories:

Sara Aliscioni – The Tailors, Sara Bardotti – Nenet, Maura Bartoli – The salt of the earth, Sergio Bertolotti – Gujarat, Stefano Bianchi – Armenia, Soumayan Biswas – Salt worker, Mauro Brienza – Kyrgyzstan, Francesco Carmignoto    – Kazakistan.Mangystau, Sara Castagnasso – Transiberiana, Nadia Cianelli – The Space in Between, Luigi Cipriano – Timeless Istanbul, Fabrizio Crippa – The last charcoal burners, Alvise Crovato – travelling with Mene, Jacopo Della Valle – Waterworld, Nicola Ducati – Steel Life, Nicola Ducati – My Red Pamir, Lello Fargione – Polaroid Instant world, Chiara Felmini – China, Chiara Felmini – Papua, Christian Giudice – Chadar, old iced route, Maurizio Gjivovich – Istanbul old town, Maurizio Gjivovich – Srilanka, Hamzeh Mohammad Hosseini – Being with Iranian Armenians, Marco Lapini – diario de Rua Lusitano, Domenico Laviano – Olympos, Roberto Malagoli – Mauritania, Alessandro Malaguti – Arunachal Pradesh, Roberto Manfredi – once upon a time there was a sea, Marco Marcone – Sudan’s whirling dervishes, Mauro Matalone- The Urgench cattle market, Francesco Merella – Coptic Christian Rites – Ethiopia, Corrada Onorifico – The infinite Silence of Mongolian steppe, Martin Ordeñana – Dominican Republic, Marco Parenti – Indian Station, Andrea Peruzzi – Waiting for Dalai Lama, Laura Pierangeli – The mattress maker of Bukhara, Robertino Radovix – Wakhan paradise in danger, Suryene Ramaget – Kushti, Roberto Renai – Activities and Crafts, Alessandro Rocchi – Punjab  Chronicles, Luigi Rota – India, a magic place, Tina Salipante – Mare Fecunditatis, Marijn Schulte – Jumping Boys Stone Town, Maurizio Trifilidis – Konyak the last headhunter, Roberta Vagliani – Zanzibar school, Claudio Varaldi – Camargue e Abrivado, Claudio Varaldi – Serendipity of burman people, Roberta Vitali – desert is magic, Sergio Volani – Cambogia, Cristiano Zingale – Reriate

Sara Bardotti – Nenet

In the language of Nenet people,Yamal means the end of the world.It is a remote,windy place covered with permagelo, frozen lakes and rivers,dwarf shrubs and infrastructure built for gas extraction. Yes,the homeland of the Nenet, nomadic reindeer herders and fishermen for over a thousand years, has been threatened by land exploitation as well as the Continue Reading

Claudio Varaldi – Camargue e Abrivado

Autour d’un feu, une veillée De leurs belles femmes accompagnés, Dansant sur des rythmes endiablés, Gardians se mettent à chanter. Fabien Cendre Hundreds of horses and shepherds on the beach of Saintes Maries: 1000 horses, 200 shepherds and thousands of enthusiasts gather on 10 and 11 November on the beach of Saintes Maries de la Continue Reading

Laura Pierangeli – The mattress maker of Bukhara

My name is Narghisa I am a mattress maker. I’ve been working in this building for so long that I call it home. Here I spend most of my day and with needle and thread I sew together remnants of fabric and remnants of life. The faded photographs on the walls tell of a distant Continue Reading

Maurizio Gjivovich – Srilanka

The indelible marks of the Tzunami of 2004 and the bloody civil war in Srilaka that ended on May 18, 2008, destroyed this land and its new future has since begun. I decided to travel a few years from the northwest coast of Jaffna to the south coast in wiligama passing through the great hills Continue Reading

Luigi Rota – India, a magic place

You can visit this country 100 times and still be speechless! Every time the same emotion and admiration for such a unique and fascinating place. You soon realize that what is incredible, different or strange for us for the Indian people is instead normality and a way of life. The charm of India through the Continue Reading

Chiara Felmini – Papua

Papua New Guinea is a peninsula of Oceania located on the island of Papua, a large island shared with Indonesia. It is the second island in the world: only Greenland is bigger. The shape and type of structure of the island, together with the simple technology of the inhabitants, explain why it contains such a Continue Reading

Andrea Peruzzi – Waiting for Dalai Lama

This story is not a photographic project designed at the table, but it represents what I like most.. that is traveling and documenting real situations and the people I meet, in a spontaneous way. Last summer I rented a motorbike and traveled through the valleys and villages of the Indian Himalayan region of Ladakh. By Continue Reading

Roberto Manfredi – once upon a time there was a sea

In recent decades, a huge environmental disaster has taken place, almost unknown, but perhaps the most serious; serious because  widely foreseen since 1964 by specially commissioned studies and yet consciously pursued. The Aral was a large salt lake, almost three times the size of Sicily. So big that it is called “sea”, the Aral Sea. Continue Reading

Corrada Onorifico -The infinite Silence of Mongolian steppe.

Mongolia, a country five times the size of Italy, which has about three million inhabitants, half of whom reside in the capital; the remaining part is divided between the inhabitants of small urban centers consisting of a few wooden houses and a few shops, and those who live in the endless spaces of the prairies; Continue Reading

Maurizio Gjivovich – Istanbul old town

This work carried out mainly during the last municipal elections in Istanbul in 2019 follows a simple search, what the street could give me. They are images that portray everyday life, follow the light of the ideas of the great master Ara Güle, see and interpret Istanbul still with that spirit. The work began in Continue Reading